Layers of secrecy

This photograph makes me feel uneasy. It reflects the feeling of unease experienced when I took it. The numerous partitions are not even saved by the warming sunlight hitting the floor beyond.

The shot was taken in the Freemasons’ Hall, an imposing and grand building near London’s Covent Garden. It is a principal meeting place for the Freemasons, popularly conceived as a shadowy and secretive order which remains tight-lipped about its rituals.

The place in the photo acts as a changing room for members of the order, and I felt the need to shoot and run. Something made me feel as though I shouldn’t be there.

However, the hall invited the public through its doors as part of the annual Open House London weekend, when you can poke your nose around numerous buildings which are usually off limits – and photography is wholly encouraged. In upcoming posts I’ll share images and thoughts from the buildings that we had a look around.

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