Night city colours

My first attempt at digital art was quite a revelation. I realised that photographs could be totally recreated with some careful touches. They could be strikingly infused with colour or be pared back from a glaring night scene to a subtle watercolour.

For this set, I look night captures from three cities – London, Dubai and Brisbane – and applied similar techniques. The photos all begin their journey by being inverted, and are then subject to other effects.

This time I learnt that layer upon layer of effects can be applied, meaning the possibilities are very wide. This is experimentation, a work in progress, not to mention the birth of new pieces of work.

St Paul’s Cathedral in London features on three occasions. Photographically this is an astounding building, and can be recreated in numerous ways with the digital paintbox.

Click on first image for the full gallery experience



12 thoughts on “Night city colours

  1. Electrifying images Mike that really have a terrific unique twist to what we would normally see, but then that is you and your work. It is all in the detail….! Really like the St Paul’s Blue and the image of the Hammersmith Bridge. Hope you have a great weekend.


    • Thank you very much, James, glad that you like them. I would have run screaming from this sort of thing at one time, but am now seeing the many possibilities and permutations. Have a good weekend too – I think it’s one to keep the camera indoors and in the dry!


      • I can fully understand about the running and screaming as I too have been in the same boat, but I feel that often it is good to be experimental as it keeps our creativity from flagging. I need to do this more often and try experiments like just shooting from the hip or a day with the iphone. Hope that you had an enjoyable weekend despite the weather.


  2. There are some lovely images here and it’s great fun experimenting – although also learning when to stop is important too!
    The best shot for me by far is the first one of St Paul’s and the Millennium Bridge; I love the way St Paul’s has stood the test of time whereas the modern bridge already seems to be fading away :)
    I also really like the central image because of the combination of vertical and diagonal lines emphasised by the mono colouring. Great work – keep experimenting!


  3. Great set of images – these images definitely work well when digitally enhanced.. For me the grey and blue St Paul’s work best, though all of them bring something new to the location! :)


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