Tyneside on mute

Tynemouth phone box

Don’t be fooled by the brash, cheerful red of the phone booth at Tynemouth on the north-east coast of England. It was a dank and overcast day, too wet for photography at first.

This is a place where Newcastle’s River Tyne flows into the North Sea, and is marked by piers and lighthouses on both sides. Against a misty, grey sky it cuts a dramatic sight with the muted captures holding their own strength. Meanwhile, the only colour came from a series of tokens and tributes tied to the railings near North Pier.

A little further up the coast lies Whitley Bay, a slightly faded seaside resort. Towards the end of the day, some light was breaking through, acting as a backdrop to coastal street furniture and a few hardy walkers.

When I go back, I hope to see this area basking in summer sunshine and beaming under a cobalt blue sky.

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